Store Open:  Wednesday thru Friday 10 AM to 5 PM and Saturday 10 AM to 2 PM (this is when to bid on auction items)
Phone:  208-847-0993
Location:  483 Washington Street, Montpelier, Idaho 83254
Donations accepted:  Tuesday thru Saturday 8 AM to 1 PM
Please bag or box items.
We do not accept mattresses, computers, TVs, appliances, or damaged furniture
Volunteers at the Bear Lake Memorial Auxiliary Thrift Store, Montpelier, Idaho
Bear Lake Memorial hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store, Montpelier, Idaho
Thrift Store volunteers, Left to right:
Deanne Simmons, Sammie Simmons, Deanna Hymas
BLMH Auxiliary Thrift Store
The thrift store has a lot of high quality goods for sale.  Clothing is all in good condition and washed before offered for sale.